Understanding Your Skin Type: Guide to Choose the Right Skin Care Product

July 17, 2023

Understanding Your Skin Type: Guide to Choose the Right Skin Care Product — When you choose a skincare product, you should consider your skin type. It helps to optimize the effect and result of the skincare product. Also, you can avoid problems that could happen because of your skin type.

How do we know the best skincare for Understanding Your skin type? That is the reason we made this article. Here are tips to choose the best skincare based on the skin type you have.

Oily Skin Type

Oily skin produces more sebum or natural oil than normal skin. In most cases, this skin type also has bigger pores. Therefore, it is easy to get various skin problems because dirt and bacteria can enter the skin easily and accumulate there.

Therefore, when you choose a skincare product for this skin type, choose one that has effective ingredients to control excess oil production. That helps to control and reduce the risk of having skin problems. What kind of ingredients should be in the skincare product you choose?

According to cosmetic dermatologist Michele Green, MD, skincare that uses benzoyl peroxide, alpha hydroxy acids, and hyaluronic acid is the best choice for this skin type. Those ingredients help to control sebum production. Moreover, hyaluronic acid also hydrates the skin in the applied area. Therefore, you will feel more rejuvenated with skincare products that use these ingredients.

Dry Skin Type

Dry skin is the skin type that has a rough surface, especially when you touch it after removing makeup. This condition occurs because this skin type has a lower moisture level than normal skin. Because of this low-moisture-level condition, this skin type is easy to get damaged, from irritation, and redness to acne.

Green recommends skin care products with shea butter and lactic acid as its ingredients. She said that they help your skin stay fresh by providing enough of a hydration effect. Moreover, it also has mild exfoliating properties which improve your skin’s appearance. This skincare will make your skin shine!

You can get this product and treatment from many places. But, for the best result, you can visit Upscale Bali. This clinic has everything you need. Treatment and the best staff are ready to help with any skin condition.

Sensitive Skin Type

Sensitive skin could be the most difficult skin type to deal with. This skin type is easy to get irritation or inflammation problems. It also can cause various symptoms of skin problems, from itchy to redness.

Moreover, all those problematic symptoms can appear because of interaction with various things, including skincare products. Therefore, when choosing a product for treating sensitive skin, you need proper preparation. Otherwise, the product that should be used for treating and improving your skin will only cause nothing but skin problems.

What kind of the perfect skincare product choice for this skin type? Dr. Green explained that the product should be able to moisturize and not be too strong. For that reason, you need to choose a skin care product that has aloe vera, shea butter, and oatmeal as parts of its ingredients. These ingredients improve your skin’s moisture level and protect it from substances that might cause skin damage.

Furthermore, you should avoid skincare product that has ingredients like perfume or scent agent. These ingredients can irritate sensitive skin. They might also cause allergy symptoms.

Combination Skin Type

A combination skin type is another complicated skin condition one could have. This skin type has different conditions in different areas. For example, you have oily skin on the T-zone area and dry skin on your cheeks. How should you choose skin care products for this skin type?

According to Joshua Zeichner, MD, a dermatologist from Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, you should choose skincare products with hyaluronic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, emollient moisturizer, and antioxidants. These ingredients help to moisturize your skin without increasing sebum production. The antioxidant also protects your skin from free radicals. It is necessary when you spend more time on the outside.

Things to Remember

It is easy to find more information about skincare product ingredients. However, if you can’t find them, you can always ask for a sample or buy them in small amounts. Then, you can try it on your skin. Use a patch test if you can get one. As for skin area, we recommend the skin under your ears or back. If it shows an undesired effect, you can change the product with another one that is safer for your skin.


So, you need to choose the correct skincare product. Also, do not forget to visit Upscale Clinic, whenever you visit Bali. This Aesthetic & Wellness Clinics in Bali will help you to improve your skin condition and give you a beautiful skin appearance. So, visit them, get the treatment, and have beautiful skin! With their experienced staff and dermatologist, also the latest technology, guaranteed, you will get the best result.

Understanding Your Skin Type: Guide to Choose the Right Skin Care Product — When you choose a skincare product, you should consider your skin type.

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