Maximizing Sunscreen Benefits: Dos and Don’ts

January 15, 2024
Maximizing Sunscreen Benefits: Dos and Don’ts

The Dos and Don’ts For Getting Benefits Of Sunscreen Application Optimally – Most people understand how to apply sunscreen on a sunny day. Yet, they often forget about the things they must do and what they shouldn’t do after applying sunscreen. It can be the reason why you can’t feel the optimal benefits after applying sunscreen. Change the wrong habit while applying sunscreen by following the dos and don’ts for getting the benefits of sunscreen application.

Remember to Apply Sunscreen with Safe Formulas for the Skin

Be aware of applying the wrong sunscreen product to your skin. The wrong skin protection product is not protecting your skin. This product can even harm your skin and trigger terrible side effects on the skin.

The first thing you must do is determine your skin type. Say you have dry skin, so use creamy sunscreen. On the other hand, apply gel sunscreen if you have oily skin.

Choose the Right Sunscreen SPF

SPF ensures that the sunscreen works effectively to protect the skin from sunlight. The minimum SPF standard is 30. It is an effective SPF for those who are living in sunny areas with medium sunlight levels.

It is better to apply sunscreen with a higher SPF if you are living in an area with harsh sunlight. If so, you should consider choosing a sunscreen with SPF 50 or SPF 60. In this case, the sunscreen will be strong enough to protect your skin from the sunlight.

Apply Sunscreen at the Right Time

Talking about dos and don’ts for getting benefits of sunscreen application, we have to talk about the right time to apply this product. You may know that it is okay to apply sunscreen, yet some of you may not know the most effective time to apply it. Doctor  suggest you apply sunscreen at least 15 to 30 minutes before going outside.

They even suggest you apply this product even if you are at home. Just apply sunscreen in the morning even if you don’t have a plan to go outside. You will get the optimal benefits of the ingredients when following this rule.

Applying Sunscreen on All Exposed Body Parts

Applying sunscreen is not only on the skin and face but also on all exposed body parts. So, ensure the outfit you are about to wear first. Then, prepare to apply sunscreen on the exposed body parts. It is an important consideration since sunlight attacks all parts of your body.

Try to Apply Sunscreen with Active Ingredients

Examining the ingredients of the sunscreen is critical. It ensures that the product is safe for the skin. This activity also ensures that the product also has active ingredients.

It is critical to pick sunscreen with active ingredients since you are about to get more benefits from it. The common active ingredients on sunscreens include niacinamide-C. This active ingredient acts as a skin shield to prevent dark spots because of the sunlight.

Remember to Test the Product First

Other people may recommend that a specific sunscreen is good and safe for the skin. Whether it is right or wrong, remember to test the product first. Apply the sunscreen in a small portion first on your skin.

Then, wait for the reaction. Leave and pick another product if your skin feels itchy and red. It is the best way to keep safe when applying a new sunscreen.

Don’t Apply Sunscreen in Wet Skin

Ensure that your skin is dry before applying sunscreen. Applying sunscreen on wet skin will reduce the benefits of the ingredients. So, it is better not to apply this product after taking a bath or sweating.

Dry your skin with a clean towel first. Then, gently apply sunscreen to the exposed skin.

Don’t Apply the Same Sunscreen for Your Face and Body

Another critical thing that most people don’t know is that sunscreen for the face and body is different! So, you must check the label first and ensure whether it is sunscreen for the face or the body. The manufacturers produce these products for reasons.

Remember! Face skin is more sensitive than skin on the body. Indeed, face skin needs specific ingredients to prevent skin issues after applying sunscreen. The ingredients should also be strong enough to defend the face skin from the sunlight.

The Right Place for Facial Treatment to Get Rid the Sunlight Effects

Taking facial treatments is a good option while applying sunscreen regularly. You can go to a trusted Aesthetic & Wellness Clinic center, such as Upscale Bali. Upscale Bali ready with a variety of facial treatments.

Some treatments are effective enough to get rid of the sunlight effects, such as dark spots, redness, wrinkles, and many more. explains everything you need to know about facial treatments. You can also make an appointment to consult your skin issues with a professional doctor. It helps you to take care of your skin after learning more about the dos and don’ts for getting the benefits of sunscreen application above.

TAG : sunscreen tips , skincare routine , UV Protection ,

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