All About Body Slimming Treatment

December 9, 2022

All About Body Slimming Treatment – Body slimming treatment is a non-surgical instant treatment for anyone who wants to get rid of excessive fat in their body. Compared to dieting, this treatment is cutting the road toward your body’s goal. This treatment is usually done on body parts that keep excessive fat, such as the stomach, thighs, arms, cheeks, and also chin. This treatment is also known as mesotherapy, and you can get them in Upscale Bali. But before you book an appointment, here’s what you need to know about body slimming treatment.

Body Slimming Treatment Types


There are some types of treatment that you can do to achieve your body goals. The first one is by injection or known as mesotherapy. There is also fat freezing that is not recommended for people with allergies to colds or other health conditions such as cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin, and cold hemoglobinuria paroxysmal. You can also use heat treatment or ultrasonic treatment to get rid of excessive fat in your body.

Mesotherapy is a process where a vitamin or drug is injected into the body tissue with the help of a microneedle. This process helps the absorption process and makes it quicker. The mesotherapy process in Upscale Bali is safe because it’s using certified safe products. You can also ask for future consultation if you have doubts. Their team will answer all the questions you have about the process before you start.

Mesotherapy is also considered a better non-surgical option for body slimming than liposuction. While liposuction permanently removes fat, the recovery process can take days or weeks. It can also give unwanted side effects such as blood vessel damage, and irregular skin contours. Mesotherapy is also considerably cheaper than liposuction even if it takes some appointments to really see the result.

Who can Do This Treatment?


Most aesthetic and wellness clinics in Bali will perform this treatment for anyone who is 21 years old or older. You might need parental consent if you are a minor because this process might give you unwanted side effects. It’s not limited to women only, men can also perform this process if they want to. You also need to make sure that you have never performed any thread lift in the area you want to perform the body slimming process with the mesotherapy.

However, you are not recommended to perform body slimming treatment if you are pregnant. Other medical conditions like allergies or implants might need closer observation by aesthetic professionals. Since mesotherapy is an injection process, you might need to make sure to minimize the side effects by consulting with professionals.

That is all about Body Slimming treatment. You can book your appointment in Upscale Bali which will provide you with all the assistance you need. They have a team of professionals that can help you to understand the process better. You can ask about your concern if you have any and ask for any kind of treatment you need in the future.

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