Laser Treatment For Acne Scars Complete Guide

December 15, 2024
Laser Treatment For Acne Scars Complete Guide

These days, laser treatment has become a common beauty solution for various skin problems, including acne scars. Here, in Upscale Bali, we also provide the exact laser treatment for dealing with acne scars.

Many people know how effective this treatment is for acne scars. However, not many know how this treatment works its magic. Here, we will explain everything about laser treatment for acne scars. We hope it will become a great reference before booking our laser treatment service.

Laser Types for Acne Scars Treatment

According to the experts, there are at least three types of laser for acne scar treatment. Each creates an effect around the acne scar area to promote healing. Here are the details:

Fractionated Resurfacing Laser

How does this laser treat acne scars? The goal of using this laser is to induce neocollagenesis, a natural process of forming a new skin layer.

This laser creates micro columns of high heat. It destroys the surrounding area of acne scars. The body will react by healing the epidermal and dermal injury caused by this laser. Thus, it creates new skin layers that remove and heal acne scars.

Pulsed-dye Laser

We use this type of layer to treat red scars caused by acne. This laser emits a wavelength of light onto the deepest skin layer. Then, the wave will be absorbed by hemoglobin. This effect causes the blood vessels to tighten up. That improves the skin color around scars.

Furthermore, this treatment shuts off abnormal cell development. The body will reach by creating thick and extra collagen. Ultimately, it makes the scar fade out by softening the color on the scar.

Radio-Frequency Micro-Needling with Blue-Light Technology

This treatment has one purpose. It is to tighten skin pores around the acne scars. It utilizes radio frequency to stimulate that effect. It delivers platelet-rich plasma into the skin. Those are essential materials for developing healthier skin layers and more collagen.

In short, the laser treatment works by improving the skin tone and texture. Therefore, the acne scars appearance will fade away.

Also, we need to remind you that you can’t completely remove severe acne scars using only laser treatment. You need extra treatment to make the skin look like the previous condition. Consult with our dermatologist to learn more about the treatment you will need.

Benefits of Laser Treatment for Acne Scars

This treatment utilizes the body’s natural healing ability. It doesn’t use chemicals or dangerous substances that can harm your body. Therefore, we can say that this treatment is the safest choice for treating acne scars.

Furthermore, the result is mostly pretty satisfying. The skin looks more natural because it recovers naturally. The acne scars also don’t look visually clear compared to before treatment.

Moreover, mild acne scars don’t require too many treatment sessions. Some even only require one session and the result appears. Of course, the severe case will require several sessions. But, that’s also not that burdening.

Acne Scars Laser Treatment Aftercare

Even though we provide the laser treatment perfectly, the result won’t be apparent or satisfying, if the patients don’t provide proper aftercare. Therefore, every time we provide the treatment, we always suggest several things, such as:

Use Sun Protection

In short, sun exposure is bad for the skin. Moreover, after laser treatment, the skin on the acne scars area is more fragile than before. It requires the body to heal and build a new skin layer.

Therefore, sun protection is a must. Without the protection, the body can’t heal the skin smoothly. In some cases, it causes redness and pigmentation. Those could lead to a new skin problem.

Avoid Non-essential Product

Do not use any non-essential product. Use only the product that our doctor recommends or prescribes. Otherwise, the non-essential product can damage the skin. That will delay the skin recovery process.

Do Not Exercise/Workout

It might sound weird. We know that this activity is good for health. However, after laser treatment for acne scars, exercise could cause swelling. That is only slowing down the healing process.

For that reason, we recommend skipping exercise for a day or two. That is necessary to ensure the body and skin can heal naturally after the treatment.

Use Gentle Skincare Products

Do not use scrubs. That causes more damage to the skin. Of course, that also means it hinders the healing process from slowing down. Use gentle skincare products.

Final Words

At this point, we believe you understand how laser treatment plays a significant role in acne scar removal. Now, you can use our service at Upscale Bali to get the laser treatment you need. We have experts and experienced staff. More importantly, we offer our service at the best price. Book a session at Upscale Bali now for the best acne scar treatment!


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