The Steps of How Meso Lipo Treatment Work to Get Rid of Your Stubborn Fat

January 15, 2025
The Steps of How Meso Lipo Treatment Work to Get Rid of Your Stubborn Fat

The Steps of How Meso Lipo Treatment Work to Get Rid of Your Stubborn Fat – Removing stubborn fat is one effective method of achieving an ideal body. The good news is that you can remove fat without surgery, known as Meso Lipo. Meso Lipo is a non-surgical fat removal procedure that involves injecting specific substrates, such as vitamins, enzymes, and others. 

The idea of injecting the substrates is to remove fatty tissue under the skin. As a trusted aesthetic and wellness clinic in Bali, we offer a Meso Lipo injection service. This treatment works to overcome fat in the body. 

Examine the Targeted Areas in the Body 

Examine the Targeted Areas in the Body -

Our doctor will examine the targeted areas in the body for Meso Lipo treatment. This treatment is suitable to target stubborn fat around the belly, chin, arms, thighs, and buttocks. You can also use this treatment to remove cellulite areas, such as cellulite because of pregnancy.  

Anesthetize the Targeted Areas for the Meso Lipo Treatment 

Anesthetize the Targeted Areas for the Meso Lipo Treatment 

Our doctor continues the process by preparing a procedure to anesthetize the targeted areas. In this treatment, we use a local anesthetizing method by applying an anesthetic cream. 

This procedure is to limit the unpleasant feeling during the process, although it is only an injection procedure. As a result, you will not feel any uncomfortable condition even during the injection procedure. 

Preparing the Needles and Specific Substrates for the Meso Lipo 

Preparing the Needles and Specific Substrates for the Meso Lipo 

Our doctor starts preparing the needles and specific substrates for the Meso Lipo. Don’t worry! We use new needles for each client. We want to ensure that the needles are hygienic. Our doctor will put the substrates on the injection tool. 

We use standardized substrates for Meso Lipo injection for your safety and satisfaction. In this process, our doctor will inject the substrates into the middle layer of the skin. 

It means it is only 1 to 4 mm deep. Indeed, they will ensure that the anesthetic cream works to numb the targeted skin before injecting the substrates.

Massage the Targeted Skin 

Massage the Targeted Skin - The Steps of How Meso Lipo Treatment Work to Get Rid of Your Stubborn Fat

Applying anesthetic cream is not the only way to keep you comfortable during Meso Lipo. We will also massage the targeted skin after the Meso Lipo injection. The purpose of this treatment is to reduce the uncomfortable side effects after the injection procedure.

Giving a Topical Antibiotic 

Giving a Topical Antibiotic - The Steps of How Meso Lipo Treatment Work to Get Rid of Your Stubborn Fat

A topical antibiotic is the next treatment you get after taking a Meso Lipo injection. It is part of the services to keep you comfortable. The use of the antibiotic is to prevent unwanted side effects, such as swelling, redness, inflammation, and many more. 

Consultation Session about Things You Should and Shouldn’t Do 

Consultation Session about Things You Should and Shouldn’t Do - The Steps of How Meso Lipo Treatment Work to Get Rid of Your Stubborn Fat

The Meso Lipo injection is done after our doctor gives you a topical antibiotic. Yet, we want you to get an optimal result. Because of that, we have a consultation session to discuss anything you need after taking this treatment. 

For example, our doctor will guide you about things you should and shouldn’t do after the treatment. You can also ask about the aftercare services you get when taking our Meso Lipo injection. 

It includes the next Meso Lipo injection schedule to optimize the result. Remember! It is not an instant fat burner, but you can see a significant result after taking it. 

Things You Can Expect from Meso Lipo Injection 

Things-You-Can-Expect-from-Meso-Lipo-Injection- - The Steps of How Meso Lipo Treatment Work to Get Rid of Your Stubborn Fat

Meso Lipo injection is an effective alternative to get rid of unwanted fat in the body to reach your ideal appearance. People love to take Meso Lipo because they don’t need to undergo any surgery or general anesthesia. 

This treatment is simple because the doctor only injects substrates into the targeted areas. The risk of suffering from serious side effects is also limited because this treatment uses standardized and safe substrates. 

You will also be treated by professional and certified doctors who understand hygiene and safety. Meso Lipo is also an option for those who have a hectic schedule. You only need to spend a few hours taking the treatment and going back to your routine. 

Just go back to our clinic for the next Meso Lipo session. The substrates work from the inside, so slowly but surely you will get your ideal body. 

Best of all, the cost of Meso Lipo treatment is more affordable compared to liposuction surgeries. Plus, you don’t need to feel the pain you will feel when taking liposuction.

Check our official website, to get more information about Meso Lipo Bali service. You will meet our professionals who will guide you from the beginning until you finish taking all the procedures. Our team will do all the procedures based on the safety and hygiene standards, including doing all the steps above for Meso Lipo injection patients. 

We are even ready for aftercare services to ensure that you can enjoy the healing process and get the perfect result you want. We want to accompany you during your transformation journey and see your satisfied smile.     

The Steps of How Meso Lipo Treatment Work to Get Rid of Your Stubborn Fat – Removing stubborn fat is one effective method of achieving an ideal body.
TAG : mesotherapy benefits , liposuction guide ,

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